Category Archives: Health Advocacy

A New Year Resolution for 2016 – Maintaining Good Nutrition

Wishing Everyone a Happy New Year 2016.  So many of us talk about making  New Year Resolutions, about diet and the foods we eat, striving for good nutrition and for some weight loss.  There are many years in which I  have also started out the new year looking to change my diet and “lose weight”.  Well this year is no exception for me!

Over the past few weeks as we’ve drawn closer to the new year approaching,  this has become a pressing thought.  I’m wanting to make some changes to my diet, and wanting to lose  weight, the weight which I had gradually gained over a number of years.  Sound familiar?

This year, rather than  making a resolution, I am setting an intention.

My intention! I am drinking 8+1 = 9 glasses of water each day, I am eating more vegetables (especially leafy greens), snacking on 2 crunchy vegetables each day, and measuring the portions I am eating.  A nutritionist once shared with me that the size of a portion is equal to the size of my fist.  The visual is helpful whether dining in or dining out.  I intend on losing 10 pounds  by February 5,  2016,

Here for you, if you are interested,  is a link  to some Tips on Maintaining Good Nutrition from the National MS Society and  there’s more, 5 Tips on fighting fatigue with a good diet as well…

Maintaining Good Nutrition

Again, a Happy New Year to you and yours,


14-Day Blogging Challenge: Day 6

14 Day Blogging Challenge: Day 6

“What is most important to you?”

Most important to me is to spend quality time developing and nurturing deep and personal relationships with family, friends, and community connections.  I enjoy getting to know others, deeply, learning what they consider important, what their interests are, what  inspires and encourages them.  If anyone I know has a problem, I’ll listen and hopefully in some way contribute to problem-solving.  I also like to share about our family, pets, matters of interest and importance.  Visiting, sharing conversation, innermost thoughts and feelings, over a cup of tea or coffee, lunch, dinner, a summer barbeque together, warms my heart.

Some of my favorite time is when my sister Francine and I sit together in our home art studio, which often becomes the kitchen, where we play with art, we talk, we sometimes sing.  Another one of our art studios is a room we have for crafting, and sometimes Francine’s room is our art studio, where we’ll sit and have a coffee while making potholders. FGF 073014 Art - Coaster for Dori During spring, summer, and fall our garden also becomes our art studio, a wonderful place where we can spend time outside together connecting with nature.

Throughout our years together, some of my favorite time with my husband Norman is when we spend time gardening together, and evenings taking a garden stroll, then sitting on our swing for two, and talking with eachother.  Sometimes, there’s such a wonderful feeling just snuggling, watching television together, and having the pets want to snuggle with us.

In addition, getting to know folks and connecting through social media has become a wonderful part of my life.  It’s such a blessing to make friends through social media and then get to meet eachother, socialize,  and sometimes also even collaborate together.

I, furthermore, love seeing and hearing how and what others share, and do to encourage and inspire. It’s helped me in becoming courageous in more publicly sharing about our lives and I am enjoying sharing our art through photographing and posting to my social media sites.  I’m filled with gratitude and joy to be connecting and sharing, inspiring, encouraging, and sharing love.

So, what is most important to you?

14-Day Blogging Challenge: Day 4

14-Day Blogging Challenge: Day 4

“One Thing About Myself”

What is voice?   Cambridge Dictionary Online expresses the English definition of voice is the sounds that are made when people speak or sing .  Voice can be [the right to] an expression of opinion.  Voice can be an important quality or opinion that someone expressed, or the person who is able to express it.  To voice is to say what you think about a particular subject.

One thing about myself, I hear a voice from within, saying, “Let me out” and I’ve been discovering ways creatively to do just that.  When I was a youngster, around the age that children are, when exploring and learning to speak on telephones, I, and probably like many others, would want to answer the phone.  My parents didn’t have a problem with my answering the phone; however, once when having received a call, the person who called had a problem with my having answered the phone.  A statement was made that “children should be seen and not heard”.  I have often thought of that voice and statement, especially when I’ve refrained from expressing myself.

I would describe myself as having a tendancy toward being introverted.  I found the definition expressed on URban Dictionary interesting to read.  I do tend to be found at home.  I’ve often spent time in libraries and quite places.  I do like to think, and at times, when I’ll say that I’m thinking, my husband will sometimes then say, “Oh boy we’re in for trouble.” I also enjoy spending time by myself.

Furthermore, I delight in socializing and I love talking to my family and friends. In addition, I love communicating and socializing through social media.  So, maybe, I’m not so introverted after all.

While I worked in corporate settings, as a bookkeeper and accounting manager, I mostly worked independently.  I have since discovered, and am grateful, that no longer working in a corporate setting, I have the opportunities to “Let my voice be heard” through my writing and the arts in which I am passionately engaged.

What is one thing you’ll share about yourself?

14-Day Blogging Challenge: Day 3

14-Day Blogging Challenge: Day 3
“My Power Words”
Mother Earth
Sacred Space
 My question for you: “What are your power words?

14-Day Blogging Challenge: Day 2

14-Day Blogging Challenge: Day 2

“My Greater Purpose and Mission”


My greater purpose and mission is to help others through sharing in a love of living life creatively and continuing to learn, no matter whether one is in health or being the survivor of illness.

Please ask yourself: “What is your greater purpose and mission?”

14-Day Blogging Challenge: Day 1

14-Day Blogging Challenge: Day 1

“What I Would Like to be Known For”

My journey begins on this 14-Day Blogging Challenge. Here I am, on Day 1, commitment made.

I am being asked, “What do you want to be known for?

I want to be known as a good Wife, Sister (SibSis), Carepartner, Friend, and Health Advocate.

I want to be known as a writer of narratives and poetry, fiber artist, and author.

I want to be known as a great positive, playful creative force extraordinaire, encouraging and inspiring others to celebrate life.

I want to be known as a good storyteller and tell stories through my photography, quilting, knitting, crochet, beading, and as a creator of art.

Might you also like to share, “What would you like to be known for?”

April Snowdrops

20150326_180208_1In the activities of the day, I might have drifted to a place –

Oh – how – wonderful,

Spring you have arrived,

Seems more nearly than in actuality,

Still a white blanket covers earth,

When the air is crisp,

And smells fresh and clear,

April snowdrops peeking through,

Awakening to this new spring season,

of a nose taking in the fragrant

flowers, and freshly mowed grass.

First Day of Spring 2015

20150320_164309Arriving home today, first day of spring 2015,

after a routine scheduled doctor’s appointment,

looking at the winter landscape,

with feelings of being in awe,

having snowfall on the first day of Spring 2015.

Wondering of the miracles to be seen beneath the blanket of snow.

Yesterday, a landscape having just begun to show,

the signs of springtime’s shining green foliage,

beginning to appear.

Fully absorbed, enjoying the last day of winter,

the bright rays of sunshine,

a day comfortable and safe for strolling outside,

walking, with eager anticipation of more days like this to come.

20150319_161819My vision,

looking toward the vibrant,

beautiful blossoming,

of the red and pink flowering azaelea.

I just voted for this Pink Glove Dance Competition video. Check it out!

I just voted for this Pink Glove Dance Competition video. Check it out! White Plains Hospital helping patients, families, and friends confront Cancer with Hope, Knowledge, Heart, and Courage…Please take a moment to watch this Pink Glove Dance…Norman and I had a great day with survivors, caregivers, and the compassionate professionals we’ve gotten to know. Check it out and please vote…