
Welcome! ~ I’m Andrea Horowitz, Wife, SisterMom, Author, Artist, Life Coach, and Wellness Mentor, creative self-published author of Mindful Serenity and Poetic Discovery: The Art of a Poetic Healing Journey.  I’m also a survivor.  In 2003 I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, and during 2014, I was diagnosed with Endometrial Cancer.  But I rose above pain, the anguish of first one, followed by a second, life changing medical diagnosis, and by the spring of 2016  I had published my first book, and embarked on a personal mission to help others use their own inner creativity to rise above their diagnosis and the traumatic effects of chronic illness. 

If you’re reading this, chances are I can help you.

There’s a quote by Maya Angelou that I love. “Surviving is important. Thriving is elegant.”

So you may be wondering, “What is Chronic Illness Overwhelm?… and so I ask you:

  • What are your needs?
  • Do you feel as though you are surviving?
  • Or are you struggling?  
  • Or are you looking to be thriving?    
  • Do you struggle with getting family members to listen, to understand?  
  • Are you having difficulty with receiving suitable accommodations in the corporate workplace?
  •  Do you find it challenging getting doctors to listen in the short time they are allowed during scheduled appointments?

These are common challenges in dealing with chronic illness overwhelm.  Don’t struggle alone! Remember, thriving is elegant!

Today, through initiatives such as my workshop, Creatively Thriving Beyond the Traumanew beginnings after a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis, or other Chronic Illness Conditions, I help my clients to hear their own voice, allow their voices to be heard, openly express themselves, newly discover their life’s purpose, function at their best, and do things they find passion in.

How I do this is through personal inspiration, mindfulness practices, narrative writing, journaling, poetry, art, accountability strategies, community … and more.

I invite you to schedule a conversation to see how I can help you navigate your own journey from surviving to thriving.  Say YES, and click HERE to schedule a complimentary 30-minute chat.

I look forward to supporting you on this journey!





Helping Families Shocked By The Bombshell Of A Medical Diagnosis Discover Fresh New Hope & Healing Resources